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Photo by 攝影: Tcalu Teng and Sofia



Dates | Aug. 03 – Aug. 04, 2019  

Venue | The Black Box Theatre at Old Court Building, Macau

Produced by The Funny Old Tree Theatre Ensemble

Based on Sophocles’ Antigone, this adaptation explores the political and familial struggles in modern days. The work features three Taiwanese and three Macanese actors. The Antigone-Creon conflict and choral passages are reimagined in different contexts and languages (Mandarin and Cantonese), in an attempt to deconstruct the grand narratives of power and history.

演出時間 | 2019年8月3日至4日

演出地點 | 澳門南灣舊法院大樓二樓黑盒劇場

主辦單位 | 澳門怪老樹劇團




Cast &

Adapted from Sophocles’ Antigone

Director/Adaptation 導演暨劇本改寫 | Chih-Ching Chester Tsai 蔡志擎

Cast 演員 | 洪信惠、卓家安、劉桓、梁迪僑、何子瑩、吳莎莎

Scenic Design 舞台設計 | Tcalu Teng 丁嘉敏

Lighting Design | Calvin Iap 林俊熠

Costume Design | Yung-Hsin Ke 柯詠心

Music by | Hans Tsai 蔡秉衡

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