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攝影 Photo by: Tcalu Teng and Sofia

Premier Dates | Aug. 03 – Aug. 04, 2019  

Venue | Old Court Theater, Macau

Produced by The Funny Old Tree Theatre Ensemble


Based on Sophocles’ Antigone, this adaptation explores the political and familial struggles in modern days. The work features three Taiwanese and three Macanese actors. The Antigone-Creon conflict and choral passages are reimagined in different contexts and languages (Mandarin and Cantonese), in an attempt to deconstruct the grand narratives of power and history. 

Cast &

Adapted from Sophocles’ Antigone

Director/Adaptation | Chih-Ching Chester Tsai

Cast | Ihot Sinlay Chiek, Suki Ho, Hsin-Huei Hung, Austin Leong, Huan Liu and Sasa Wu

Scenic Design | Tcalu Teng

Lighting Design | Calvin Iap

Costume Design | Yung-Hsin Ke

Music by | Hans Tsai

©2023 by Chih-Ching Chester Tsai.

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